Do you have an Investment Advisor?

Do you think you deserve an wealth tracker like Kubera which is way more modern than the dreadful legacy software that your advisor has currently given you?

The following steps will enable you to introduce Kubera to your Investment Advisor and convince them to roll it out for you.

Step 1: Sign up to Kubera Personal as a new user.

Step 2: Start the 14-day trial by paying a one time charge of $1.

Step 3: Set up your portfolio (add assets, debts and everything else) and arrive at a near accurate net worth in minutes.

Step 4: If you are liking Kubera, share your portfolio with your advisor by creating a read-only link. Show them how beautiful it is. Remember: Show, don't tell.

Step 5: Ask them to sign up to the Kubera institutional version and roll it out to you and the other deserving clients. Just pass them this url to request for a demo.

If you are lucky, your advisor understands the difference, rolls it out to you and you get to use Kubera for FREE.

You also tactfully escape the evil clutches of the dreadful legacy tracking software that they initially gave you. 😉

How did it go? Write to and let us know.

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